“Pirates of the Caribbean; Dead Men Tell No Tales” is the fifth installment, in the Pirate series featuring Captain Jack Sparrow portrayed by Johnny Depp as he embarks on a quest for the trident of Poseidon while evading Captain Salazar portrayed by Javier Bardem. The themes of adventure and redemption resonate, with viewers; however this movie fails to replicate the success of its predecessors.
The movie captures attention with its special effects highlighting Salazar and his ghostly crew but falls short due, to a tangled screenplay and slow pacing.The introduction of characters. Henry Turner and Carina Smyth is refreshing but the storyline appears disjointed.The humor in the movie may come across as eccentric, than meeting the standards of a South Park enthusiasts expectations.
Summary; Like action packed films that’re currently popular today this movie is both entertaining and a gripping thriller. While it does offer viewers moments of fear and suspense it also conveys a sense of something missing revealing that even legendary pirates must confront their past and the remnants they’ve left behind. It hints at escapades, on the horizon, which can be seen as both a positive and negative development.