“Beauty In Black” Season 01 is a compelling drama that juxtaposes the lives of two women: it has a young girl who is out of a house begging, with no father who chased her out of the home by her mother, then a businesswoman successful on the outside, but in reality, she has so many challenges in life. This is mainly because of the progressive character development, especially the messages on fighting for empoweement, facing vulnerability and seeking the community in the series that little by leading to great and sensible acting.
Lighting particularly concerning the portrayal of street life but also concerning the relatively better off big business world is a big help supporting the narration based on intensity coupled with comedy. Family relations of a blended manner are constructed and audiences are fortunate enough to get to know Carrie and the truth of attempting to exist while or defying the limits of achievement and consequences.
While it is diagnosed that some of the episodes are rather hastily wrapped up and indeed some of the characters are developed really skimpy towards the end of this freshman series, it has the potential for characterization build up in the subsequent seasons. In conclusion, “Beauty In Black” Season OU is rather severe sequence, which tells about essential subjects, in a rather tender and, in many ways, adult key, and leaves rather gloomy trail.