The movie “I, Robot” is a sci-fi action movie released in 2004 with events in the movie taking place in 2035 with Will Smith in the lead role playing the role of Detective Del Spooner, who is a robotphobe. It opens with murder mistook for suicide of the robotics’ scientist Dr. Alfred Lanning which ignites Spooner on the thrilling investigation of United States Robotics where he stumbles at mysteries and scandals of Artificial intelligence.
Though it is action oriented movie having stunts and conspiracy idea, it also meditates on consciousness and free-will two of today’s most significant problems pertaining to technology at once. A contemporary and hearty performance is by Smith who is ably backed by an interesting cast, especially the technical character in Sonny.
Regarding the movie itself – it has got quite powerful spectacular style, nice list of special effects, good but not outstanding actions sequences which, however, were not enough to save from some predictability of the story. Nevertheless, “I, Robot” made a viewer think about the position of humanity in regard to the robots and it was rather an entertaining movie.