The first season of ‘One Piece’ offers a lot to enjoy, as it tells the story of Monkey D. Luffy who wants to be Pirate King and embarks on an exciting journey with his loyal friends in pursuit of this goal. The show revolves around a group of misfits with different talents and goals highlighted primarily on friendship, loyalty and the pursuit of dreams.
The ‘Golden Age of Pirates’ prevails and it is only the strongest one who could find a mythical treasure named as One Piece. Monkey D Luffy, one day eats devil fruit that confers on him rubber strength and he hopes to be the next Pirate king. He departs from Feosha Village in East Blue. It s incredible acting each voice actor plays his role perfectly and true to the spirit of manga.
The film has some great direction that’s visually appealing, complete with cool action sequences and excellent cinematography bringing the danger as well a beauty of sea. The production design is well-developed and we feel pressed, each island has its own characteristic of uniqueness being celebrated in the fantastical land. The language develops at a good pace and the dialog is fun, even genuine. While the show includes some filler episodes, it is a cool and engaging story with many heartfelt moments that can be recommended to fans of manga series.