Colombian thriller “Pálpito Season 01” AKA “The Marked Heart”, the black plot which speaks of love and revenge describes the topic of organ stealing. Surrounded these two main characters, it illustrates a tragic life of Simón Bolívar whose life is disintegrated apart of his wife Selma whose heart was cut out for a transplant into the body of Camila, a wealthy woman.
In which, relations of affection and treason appear when Simón tries to get justice and the series illustrate the character transformation of Simón. The series succeeds at handling feelings and the gross response of Simón as well as the viewers, providing a very distanced view of the criminal environment. It brings the cinematography and score to make feel the viewers the sense of horror to put them in this situation.
Still, there are instances that the progression of events feels quite contrived and the side characters are not as well-developed as they should be. Even if the largest and smallest differences are made, it does not change that “Pálpito” certainly brings various moral dilemmas relating to love and revenge and a strong climax, where the spectators remain seated and give much thought to their relations with others.
Big shout out to your good work we appreciate it bishoboaka wadaduha season 3 ya From waba ukoze keep up 👏
Soon we’ll be giving it to you.