“Nowhere” is a gripping survival film that follows Mias journey, as a woman fleeing her war torn homeland by hiding in a shipping container, at sea.What is important here is the portrayal of the production of the film wherein the storming scenes depict the roller coaster emotion of the woman when she was harassed for her pregnancy and the extremely strong emotions she needed to endure when she was delivered in some sort of a storm still she tried to escape.
It is more than just a survival story because the major important issues that are illustrated in the context of the plot are those, which stand before the whole range of meaning: survival, sacrifice, love when a mother is ready to die for her baby. The leading actress fully portrays the nuances and emotional experiences of a character so that the audience receives the empathy for Mia’s story.
On a more aesthetic level the director constructs an impressive and visually compelling film, employing tight close-ups, and enormous expansive shots of the sea to enhance the desperate loneliness of the protagonist Mia. Yet the game also has moments that feel on the slower side, which could be a problem when it comes to the immersive feeling of danger, these slower moments are also the ones which really build up her character and her situation. “Overall,”Nowhere” offers an exploration of motherhood and resilience that has truly captivated and moved audiences with Mias story.”