“Special Forces,” shot by Michael Bay, is a macho action film of hostage taking by an unstable man with three American women as his prisoners. The movie talks about courage and personal sacrifice, reflects the inevitable human willingness in the spirit of the protection of others. The plot is driven by the surge of flow, effective character transformation, and a powerful cast that helps emphasize the feeling in the heavy action.
The cinematography excellence in term of close shot and the vibrating stunt in the fight scenes make this show stand out. Nevertheless, there are some types of film cliché present in this film that strays this film from its creativity such as the one dimensionality of the antagonist.
Despite the fact that there are definite shortcomings, “Special Forces” ends with admiration and affection to main characters which surprise the viewers and leave them without a breath. On a balance it has the action, good performances and warm embrace of its melodramatic emotional outreach does seem comfortably watchable – a reiteration of one good old fable on how cosmos resets itself to order from chaos.