The movie likewise titled “After” now on Netflix is directed by Jenny Gage based on the book by Anna Todd, the movie focuses on the college freshman, Tessa Young who changes her routines when she meets the brooding enigma, Hardin Scott. Her steamy romance novel centers on Teenage Tessa and Hardin, who in turn, teaches her about love and herself.
The two lead actors Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes Tiffin have been definitely appropriate in defining the deep love and hatred between the two characters which was expected since they were also deeply involved passionately and dramatically. Even in visuals, the film belongs to the modern horrors with the moody light and partially decorated in the manner of romantic and emotional movies. The music is timed to the events which occurs in the story to capture the feeling of the characters.
Nevertheless, the movie receives criticism regarding pacing, unoriginal dialogues and canonic plot, and an implied rather limited character development for Hardin. Lastly the use of the title ‘After’ depict the general theme of the drama in terms of conflict, dilemmas of youthful affection and transformation responsible for generating the emotional responses of the audience thus laying foundation for the sequels.