“Fool Me Once S01 is a gripping thriller that delves into the aftermath of tragedy and trauma blurring the lines, between reality and illusion. One of its strengths lies in the buildup created by a series of events that confines Maya to her room enveloping her in a world on the brink of collapse. Through cinematography featuring takes, dimly lit corridors and an eerie soundtrack viewers are immersed in a sense of claustrophobia that holds their attention captive.
Fiona Gubelmann delivers a performance as Maya portraying her character with both depth and melancholy. The depiction of trauma and the gradual unraveling of both perpetrator and victim are captivating, blurring the boundaries between what’s real and what is imagined. The script crackles with tension presenting thought provoking themes and engaging dialogue that heighten the sense of unease.
With its plot development, performances and exploration of profound themes Fool Me Once S01 stands out as a top tier thriller series that keeps viewers on edge throughout each episode. Perfect, for fans of dramas seeking an intellectually stimulating viewing experience.”