“The Enemy Within” is a captivating crime drama series that follows FBI agent Will Keaton as he enlists the help of a traitor to track down a spy. The show takes place in a world of espionage and deception blurring the lines of morality. Jennifer Carpenter shines in her role, as the Keaton portraying her character with the grit and determination of a soldier on a mission.
Co stars Morris Chestnut and Raza Jaffrey deliver performances making every character well developed and engaging. The shows standout feature is its character development with many having pasts, as reformed ex mobsters.
Show creator Ken Woodruff expertly manages pacing building tension and releasing it at the moments to keep viewers engaged throughout. While some viewers may find events or episodes slow paced or confusing “The Enemy Within” remains a must watch for its thrilling plots strong acting performances and compelling cinematography.