White House Down is a thrilling and action packed movie that will surely leave audiences breathless. The story revolves around a Capitol police officer who becomes the hero of the White House bravely fighting off invaders with unwavering courage. It tracks the story of a cop named John Cale played by Channing Tatum, capitol police trying to get to President Sawyer played by Jamie Foxx while also seeking to demonstrate he is a good father to his daughter.
The themes of the show revolve around having to struggle while a sane mind in a world of crisis is focused on the father-daughter relationship of Cale. Tatum’s hero persona is plausible, and Foxx captures leadership and humour between him and Tatum for the film. The movie has good motions that display the erratic details of hostage taking scenario in the background of the White House. It never slows down which maintains the suspense and gives character moments, which unfortunately puts family at risk.
James Horner on the musical note holds the audiences to the highest pitch of their feeling making the action packed sequences to be more effective. In conclusion, *White House Down* does an excellent job of providing fun and inspirational emotions provoking the action arising from love in the face of danger. It is a breathtaking movie that makes a terrific impression.