Two Sisters is moving drama that draws the real life consequences of the distanced family and divorced parents, revolves around the sisters, Lee Hye-won and Lee Hye-ji. Their close childhood bond is disrupted by their parents’ separation, leading to vastly different adult lives: Hye-won pretending to be happy is confined by her a stepmother and a rich fiancé while Hye-ji struggling with poverty and domestic violence, Bae Do Eun is her alter ego. Love is transformed into dislike after they meet, making sibling affection competitive based on the horrible experiences they had in the past.
The series creates a tension through a powerful script with scenes and effective dialogue and character’s history, however pacing is not perfect. The two lead actors are remarkable using their body and face to depict complicated emotions. In visual terms the work of director of photography and art director makes the story more emotionally powerful. However, some supporting characters are developed poorly, which reduces real-life like sense. The score enhances the vigour of the series in terms of emotion.
All in all, *The Two Sisters* presents an important commentary on love, forgiveness, and sisterhood as well as on consolidating strengths and nurturing conflicts, on the interdependence of joy and sorrow, light and darkness, lightness and darkness.