This newer version of “The Mummy” revives a historical story through a contemporary narrative about deadly cursed glyphs and spectral horrors emerging from an ancient site. An ancient Egyptian princess emerges from her crypt in the film leading to hundreds of years of malevolent development. The film presents an engaging concept but multiple shifts between fast-paced action and fearful elements combined with accidental humorous moments pulls the viewing experience off course.
The film does a great job of establishing the ancient princess’s background narrative but secondary heroes lack enough character development because it fails to raise storytelling tension. The lead actor delivers a powerful performance yet multiple secondary characters lack development which hinders audience connection to the story. The film showcases outstanding visual effects because of expert direction and masterful cinematography which showcases Egypt’s historical grandeur and vibrant action sequences yet struggles with consistent pacing.
Through cinematic scoring and inventive production work the story develops suspense effectively and transports viewers to its historic location. The story of vengeance and loss gets underdeveloped across the film because it loses focus to emphasis spectacle and spectacle. “The Mummy” delivers an entertaining crowd-pleasing experience for those who enjoy action-adventure stories while failing to connect emotionally with many audiences.