The Flood is an action packed survival movie aimed at enthusiasts and released in the direction of Marcus Fenn based on the backdrop of a Louisiana hurricane. The storyline follows a band of prisoners attempting an escape during the intensifying storm. Familiar faces, like Michael Torres and Tasha Reid engage viewers as they portray characters pursued by both the hurricane and unexpected alligators in the floodwaters.
The balance, between horror and comedy is skillfully upheld by Fenn throughout the movie with pacing. Editing that captivate viewers throughout the film. The portrayal of storms as characters in the film through cinematography adds depth to the storytelling. While some techniques used to depict characters may veer into clichés at times the handling of survival and moral dilemmas, during wartime elevates the overall impact of the film.
“The Flood” concludes with a mix of suspense and emotion that captivates the audience and prompts reflection, on both the forces of nature and human resilience. Overall offering an experience while being an addition, to contemporary thriller literature.