The Devil’s Advocate is a psychological drama thriller film released in 1997 which is raised by Taylor Hackford In the heart of movie’s plot you can find the ideas, ambition, moral decadence as well as impressive picture of the life of the known lawyer Kevin Lomax with Keanu Reeves as the actor. It also leaves the viewer recovering whether there is such a thing as the price of ambition and success Kevin who is ambition per excellence is tongued with charismatic and dangerous John Milton played by Al Pacino.
And despite the fact that Andrzej Bartkowiak’s work is relevant to the motifs of the film, New York is shown as the dark and mysterious place despite the characters and their feelings, Kevin’s transition is described as slippery with the feelings of dread. Even the music by James Newton Howard seems to mirror the amount of threat and Kevin mutating into a villain. In the heart of the movie the issue of temptation and the sin that accompanied power is depicted by Kevin’s deteriorating relationship with his wife Mary Ann, an actress Charlize Theron.
A film is charged with some ideas, but there are too many scenes, and the pace of the picture is uneven, notably in the second half. In conclusion, one can state that *The Devil’s Advocate* is a perfect example of how to create an unnerving and thought-provoking legal and supernatural drama that will make the audience really twinge and recall one’s virtues and vices as well as the role of one’s ambition within the context of power.