”The Curse of the Necklace” is a strong drama with extremely suiting settings of the 1960s, directed by Clara Pennington. The movie set depicts the socially sensitive theme, change and substance addiction taking the audience through the struggles of a determined woman Margaret played by Judith Reynolds. This is the story of her path to freedom after leaving her wife with alcohol problems, her daughters Lucy i Emma Kai – girls who are two completely different sides of America.
Antique necklace also has a special status of an element that symbolically connects the family and at the same time – the element that poses danger to them. Even looks of the movie – from costume design to cinematograph – work well in conveying main characteristics of the era. Given by Simon Hargrove, the music likewise intensifies emotional appeal but on odd moments overwrought specifically in scenes that are focalized on the necklace.
It is not a perfect film and some of it does feel a little heavy handed at times especially with regards to some of the plot elements but by the time the end credits start to roll the film hits hard on resilience, addiction, and family issues. Finally, ‘The Curse of the Necklace’ offers a worthy, intriguing and thought-provoking story that raises the question about the importance of acceptance and forgiveness in troubled period.