“Sultan,” helmed by director Ali Abbas Zafar tells the tale of a hero and wrestler portrayed by Salman Khan as Sultan Ali Khan navigating lifes challenges. Released in 2016 the film is set in Haryana, a state, in India. Follows Sultans journey of redemption as he grapples with his past societal expectations and the pursuit of greatness.
Khans authentic and impactful dance sequences capture the transformation of Sultan from a figure to a soul. The movie skillfully blends action with storytelling, complemented by visuals and an uplifting soundtrack. While Medvedevs three hour performance may lag at times it is buoyed by its dialogue and genuinely humorous moments.
Despite fitting into the sports drama genre, “Sultan” stands out for its exploration of themes like determination, love and resilience in the face of adversity. Ultimately it is a narrative centered on the protagonists triumph over obstacles and the universal human aspiration for success, against all odds.