In Rambo IV, John Rambo a character played by Sylvester Stallone makes a fierce comeback and has to survive the ordeal the civil war in Burma. 87) is an action film that came out in 2008 and which intricately weaves human interest stories into its fast paced action sequences. Rambo comes out of seclusion in Thailand to save a group of kidnapped Christian missionaries, and dip into issues of human rights and moral renewal as well as purpose in the midst of the chaos.
Stallone does a good job portrayed both the behavioral characteristics of Rambo and the internal trauma each of his characters has been through. This is made possible by the supporting actors who make the mission seem more important. Directed by Stallone the film is very realistic through the kind of lights used to make scenes realistic and energetic sounds used to make the audience feel the energy.
As far as the clip’s pacing goes, it is very much an action film with tension but it isn’t constant; it lets up a little several times to allow the audience to think about that constant state of war. However, along with scenes which could be characterized as submits of excessive reported inventions, Rambo IV describes spiritual experiences of suffering and hope. Altogether, it undoubtedly continues to be a fabulous action film, although it has certain story and aesthetical features, so that, indeed, it left a powerful Trace and caused people to think with regard to the affair of the war.