“Project Legion” is a captivating thriller film that delves into the theme of loneliness and how one can conquer it focusing on the journey of Sam played by Alex Kim. The story unfolds within the confines of apartment 213 where Sam faces threats while battling his demons. Through flashbacks we witness Sams evolution, from fear to resolution shedding light on the impact of isolation in todays society.
Director Maya Chen skillfully builds tension and eerie stillness that heighten the suspense throughout the movie. Cinematographer Tomás Delgados visuals effectively convey a sense of suffocating powerlessness intertwined with Sams character.
While the film successfully keeps viewers on edge with its narrative it falls short of achieving masterpiece status due, to its plot and stereotypical characters. Nonetheless “Project Legion” remains an exploration of horror that prompts audiences to reflect on their own fears and inner struggles. In essence it offers a story that leaves a lasting impact.”