“Pirates of the Caribbean: The fourth film of the series, “Pirates of Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” makes Captain Jack Sparrow seek for the Fountain of Youth in a film directed by Rob Marshall. It breathes new life into the series with pretty graphics and new characters while keeping all of the franchise’s qualities intact. Furthermore Jack has an alliance, with the Captain Barbossain defeating a challenging competition, against the infamous Blackbeard and his deceitful daughter Angelica.
The film delves into themes of life and deeper significance intertwined with this blessing as Jack grapples with questions, about existence and mortality, amidst the comedic backdrop. Packed full of beautiful visuals and good camerawork; exotic Caribbean setting; good action scenes; Hans Zimmer composed score. Johnny Depp pulls of a great performance as Jack Sparrow, and Penélope Cruz did a great job as Angelica, and Ian McShane as Blackbeard.
The episodes sometimes stir up coming up with pacing issue and the plot is not so smooth but “On Stranger Tides” revive the real adventure spirit of this adventurous series with humor, action as well as larger-than-life character. Finally, it encourages viewers to go on yet another, thrilling, adventure, which became a spirit of the entire franchise.