“Mr. And Mrs. Smith is an action movie directed by Doug Liman starring Brad Pitt as John Smith and Angelina Jolie, as Jane Smith. As the story unfolds the two characters discover that they are both hired assassins contracted to eliminate each other. The undeniable chemistry between Pitt and Jolie shines through in their banter adding a charming touch to the film.
The executed gunfights, hand to hand combat scenes and overall dramatic tension keep viewers engaged. The incorporation of technology in the storyline adds an element. The supporting cast delivers performances; Vince Vaughns portrayal of a hitman brings comedic relief while Adam Brody also impresses in his role.
John Powells music enhances the films tone with its mischievous melodies. Cinematographer Amir Mokri captures the movie with an skillfully blending primary colors and shadows to create suspenseful moments. Overall “Mr. & Mrs Smith” successfully combines action and comedy elements making it an enjoyable watch for those seeking entertainment, in the action genre.”