“Mojin: The Worm Valley” is a sensationalist and entertaining seasoned film, which focuses on heroic tomb explorer Hu Bayi this time daring himself into dangerous journeys to reveal the mystery behind the tomb of Xian Emperor. The film depicts the story of two best friends who venture in a mystical island inhabited by magical beings only to discover what true friendship means and the great cost of seeking for knowledge in a fast paced world where modernity meets traditionalism.
The drama changes between chumminess and physical conflict to make the audience schedule with the personages. Even the principle cast cast a real-life acting, Hu Bayi representing internal and external conflicts. Director Wu Ershan offers the movie vast shots of territory and faces while also providing close up and personal feelings. The score compliments the crescendo of tension an emotion in the entire movie.
The film is technologically realistic, and there’s an interplay between ancient and modern style that’s important in SF, and the film which runs for 2 hours is never boring. Overall, “Mojin: The Worm Valley” is an awe inspiring movie that revolves around the great action sequences as well as deep emotional touch and that is why it becomes important for any one, who loves the adventures.