“Mission; “Mission Impossible 6. Impossible – Fallout” is an film directed by Christopher McQuarrie, the sixth installment of the series. It follows the gripping story of Ethan Hunt (played by Tom Cruise) and his team, from the International Monster Management (IMF) as they face off against enemies who have stolen a supply of plutonium. The mission takes turns. Ethan must act quickly to prevent a catastrophic event.
The intense action sequences in the movie are captivating especially since many were performed by Cruise himself who took on stunts. The elaborate set designs, a mix of effects and computer generated imagery add to the realism of the film. The supporting cast, including Henry Cavill, Rebecca Ferguson and Michelle Monaghan reprising their roles from films deliver performances.
Ethans character is compelling to watch and root for while Alec Baldwin and Sean Harris shine as adversaries standing in his way. Lorne Balfes musical score, for ‘The Thick Of War’ enhances the missions tension with Roger Deakins cinematography capturing the action.” The movie, with its focus on trust and loyalty is a choice, for fans of film series or action enthusiasts looking for a pumping experience.