“Maid, in Manhattan” is a lovely film directed by Wayne Wang featuring Jennifer Lopez as the main character Marisa Ventura, a maid with aspirations for a brighter future. When she crosses paths with Senatorial candidate Christopher Marshall (played by Ralph Fiennes) she sees an opportunity to move up in class. However Christopher mistakes her for a socialite leading to a romance between them.
Jennifer Lopez shines in her portrayal of Marisa showcasing depth and vulnerability while Ralph Fiennes portrays Christopher as awkward yet sincere. The supporting cast, including Natasha Richardson as Christophers fiancée and Stanley Tucci as Marisas friend and co worker adds to the films charm. The films set design captures the opulence of the Plaza Hotel contrasted with Marisas living conditions and Christophers affluent lifestyle.
Rachel Portmans musical score adds uplifting and comedic elements to the movie. Overall “Maid, in Manhattan” delves into themes of class and identity prompting viewers to reflect on status and perception based on ones surroundings. It highlights the power and sweetness of love transcending barriers. “Maid, in Manhattan” is an heartwarming film that leaves viewers feeling happy as they exit the theater.