The movie of comedy action romance genre “Knight and Day”, directed by James Mangold, is different from traditional comedies of romance action. A romantic comedy adventure it stars Cameron Diaz as June Havens, a womanising shy tomboy who becomes involved with Roy Miller, a charming but disturbed spy, played by Tom Cruise.
As their characters’ attraction is most expressive, the film unfolds and narrows down to elements of fun and affection, the conflicts of identity and accepting the risks of the uncertain future. However, there are moments in which everything is quite foreseeable despite the movie emanating a juvenile sensibility of fun. Mangold also does a good job in providing the film with much needed energy in terms of bright and vivid picture and effective use of music to enrich emotion.
Though, there are certain sequences in the action which go a little silly and intense physical comedy can sometimes overpower some sincere dramatic incidents the film is unabashedly cute. The uniquely exhausting chaos is noted in “Knight and Day” as begging for appreciation of the unpredictability and luck of life. Finally, it is a cheerful and fun ride that gives you that carefree feeling and the essence of life as Love and adventure.