‘Junior’ is an Action thriller, directed by Harman Dhillon where a magnanimous protagonist lives only for his daughter where there is touch of vengeance throughout the movie. The film has Amiek Virk in the armor of Junior a ruthless assassin who comes out of hiding to save his daughter from the clutches of the mafia who plan to traffic her. Through Virk portraying the strong Kalashnikov hitman, the audiences can also sympathize with a father who is ready to kill and die.
The story is quite engaging The action scenes are smoothened while the emotions in the movie particularly father and daughter relationship bring substance into the movie. From a cinematographic perspective, the vision set in the film ‘Junior’ is particularly jazzed up by the grittiness of the image and the accentuated contrast between lights and shadows, not forgetting about the music part where the talented Kabir Bedi did choose deep musicianship.
But it also has weaknesses – sometimes clichéd script and the second half might be too hasty to read some of the themes. In general, “Junior” is rather more than vengeance movie; this is the movie that shares the love and sacrifices messages to the audience. I must say that action in the film is exciting and touching scenes are included without a doubt.