“High Forces,” is a perfect action film directed by Liu Wei and it shows a different type of action movies and what human strength and love between father and daughter are. It is based on Chen Xuan about a hijacking on an A380 airliner where he is a passenger, and he is right next to his blind daughter who is a hidden hostage. On the character side of things the film provides both suspense and moving drama by portraying the efforts Gao is making to save his child during the dangerous situation.
And the final feature which should be mentioned is the action, especially the communicating of details of their relations between Chen Xuan and the new face Li Lian and the protecting feelings like father of a daughter. Zhao Lingyu’s cinematography helped to strengthen the plot: the place is confined but the heroes look at expansive vista of landscapes of the sky.
Indeed, there are some tensions of this sort in the pacing, but more particularly in the dialogue, and, indeed the move to the second half of the fished, and to some extent the audience is left with quite powerful feelings of fear and of hope, of love and of sacrifice and the sustainability of relationships and these thoughts remain with viewers as they are left with thoughts on love, sacrifice and sustainability of relationships.