Furies serves as a prequel, to the 2023 action film directed by Veronica Ngo from Vietnam, who also stars as the protagonist Thanh Soi. The movie depicts Thanh Sois evolution from vulnerability to competitiveness in the apocalyptic backdrop of Saigons urban landscapes emphasizing how ones surroundings influence personal growth and moral values.
The nuanced character portrayals, Ngos performance showcase that good and evil are not always black and white but rather intricate. While SACTION may have pacing issues it shines with its direction. Cinematography that skillfully blend action sequences with emotional depth while authentically capturing the essence of Saigon. The musical score blending folk melodies, with orchestral arrangements underscores the storys cultural roots.
The movie maintains a tone and momentum throughout with thought provoking dialogue; however some characters lack depth in their backstories. At times falls into common revenge story tropes. Nonetheless Furies offers plenty of thought provoking themes on darkness, identity, survival challenging viewers to ponder over the nature of personal struggles. Overall it presents a adaptation of the graphic novel that evokes strong emotions and leaves a positive impact as a compelling film.