“Forever Us” a Sarah Cole psychological thriller film revolves solely around love and betrayal. The two main dynamics that exist in this movie are obsession and desperation as witnessed by Claire whose husband Tom starts cheating on her with another woman. Both families’ everyday life is represented and the audience is presented with a perfect family before gradually shifting towards a family within a world of disputes.
Where the story lies in the internal struggle of Claire and the performances specially that of the leading lady; furthermore, Cole has well documented the cliquishness of being jealous in life such as the word suffocation correlates appropriately to Claire’s jealousy. The cinematography of the movie uses low separation of the objects and changes the light to a bright source in displaying her loneliness in the movie contributing to the narrative system.
As with most suspense mystery dramas, “Forever Us” pushes the show forward by effective construction of suspense at several stage, but what the show partly loses is its originality on the plot stereotype, seen particularly in the third act of melodramatic plot device. The good quality and intonations of music are escalating the emotions during all the movie and it is sad and touching.
Finally, “Forever Us” is an intense analysis of the break and consequences with deep psychological motives and effects of betrayal which different viewer analyzes including myself during preliminary show involvement and discussing the negative aspects of the love story of Claire.