“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” the sequel released in the year 2014 is the fairly good launch directed by Matt Reeves that carries the gun of war between the limited human beings and the ape with the extra-ordinary genetic boosting.. It shows how people can live side by side and how easy it is to end life that returns to normalcy after conflict. The core charisma, driven by phenomenal, charismatic Judean leader named Caesar played by Andy Serker is strength and frailty of a leader.
Coddess and focused attentive moments within the ape community that is pitted in violent conflict against the remaining humans who live in the ‘wilderness’ of the city, the film asks questions about the nature of fealty and enmity. Visually appealing with themes of the actual apocalypting San Francisco and accompanied by the moving soundtrack of Michael Giacchino. But certain human characters feel underwritten because of it, which gets in the way of viewers’ ability to understand their goals.
Finally, ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ which as depicted is a statement on power, trust and decision that leads to war, comes with a peaceful proviso that heads of both warring sides can restore peace between two warring factions. It has something to do with prejudice and make people really be confronted and think critically about what a future mankind is like.