BLOOD DIAMOND The “Blood Diamond” a film by Edward Zwick, the action packed movie set against the backdrop of the civil war in Sierra Leone blatantly portrays themes of greed and moral deficit as well as powerful survivals. The narrative follows three main characters: A black man Solomon Vandy trying to get back to his family, an opportunist diamonds smuggler named Danny Archer, and a… The movie acts as an encyclopedia to viewers exploring the realistic representation of the theme, dialogue with important touching performances by Hounsou and DiCaprio.
It has the remarkable result of showing Sierra Leone’s gorgeous countryside and the horrors of war at one fell swoop; the direction carefully weaves action and politics. While watching it is possible to notice some problems with pacing and certain cliches in story in the same glance it is possible to admit that the film timely and effectively raises an ethical issue connected with diamond mining business and its consequences.
It heightens the drama of the movie and sticks, in my memory.
“Ultimately ” the movie “Blood Diamond” raises concerns, about the relationship between wealth and natural resources and how they can be tied to suffering while prompting viewers to consider the implications of their consumption choices and the real impact of conflicts, in war torn nations.