This is a highly energetic film aimed at an action and adventure audience that introduced audiences to Pei Xing, a knife catcher that turned into a bounty hunter, who changes from self-profiteering to willing hero after deciding that inequalities are not right. The story is set in the context of anarchy, and rivots around such issues as transition from sin, evil versus evil, evil within good, moral dilemma, or good versus evil.
It is not more difficult to back up than to have immoral ways before becoming a brave civil activist for change, like Pei. The movie sets the audience to question their position in social wrongdoings and without putting too much personification takes the viewers on the cinematic ride of kumite enhanced with profound emotional experience.
Pei by the lead actor is such a great impression and other stars are equally good in portraying the aspect of loyalty for which he is willing to sacrifice. There are some last shots building up intensity through the fast-mounted sequences of the movie but it is possible to foresee some aspects of the movie. Nonetheless, “Blade of Fury” mesmerizes with action, lethally thinking about a personal transformation and the social messages of the man whose mission is to kill for justice, to die for it.