The film *Bhoomi* tells a story that brings the expansive universe and rural village life together as the protagonist, Bhoominathan – an astronaut in training to be sent for a mission to Mars, and who is first to sort out his relationships with his village. The use of light and darkness also confirms this by presenting the colourful village against metal coloured space.
Bhoominathan is torn between family obligations and lack of forgiveness and makes other characters bet on his childhood friends, elders, and relative, and thus they result in themes of forgive and sacrifice. It is a screenplay that interweaves comedy with drama, but because of the side plots, the motion picture loses speed in the middle of the story.
For emotional outlook the film music is created using the traditional and modern instruments which enrich the experience of Bhoomi’s discovery. The movie dramatically captures and pictorially tells the classic tension between ambition and duty and that one cannot escape one’s origin. In conclusion, *Bhoomi* is a deeply touching and profound movie that combines themes like career, family, and roots tying it in to the viewers’ lives.