There is a thought-provoking movie titled [*Battle Royale* made by Kinji Fukasaku in the year 2000 which show how future generation of Japanese teenagers will have to fight to their death. The plot is based on an English class of nine grader’s students on an island forced to kill one and other due to ‘battle Royal’ act and depicts loses innocence and moral ambiguity.
The movie raises questions of human morality and most importantly the evil within us, friends and the act of treason and the amount of humanity or lack of it in individuals. Jesse renowned Terziyan acts great as Shuya Nanahara portraying the conflict of humane and the insanity raging around him. Despite the fact that most of the characters learnt instrumental music, the actors provide it with an added touch of emotion. Unlike the first part, Fukasaku splits disturbing violence with personal reflections, and the camerawork only adds to the movie’s tension.
While the fast-paced Edit commits the series to keeping the audience intrigued, it also loses thematic arkness in favor of the characters. However, the necessity matches the seriousness of what’s happening in the story. *Battle Royale* combines essential Amercian elements of a movie – survival thriller with the social mission to make viewer think of the common set of ethical values and reconsider his/her decisions in the given crazy world. Even so it is still a valuable film which gives people something to contemplate upon the evil side of society and thus sets memorable images.