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Bank Under Siege - Season 01 - (review)

The creative set the time scene in 1981 Spain in this taut thriller, where hope, justice, and injustice, and anarchy become the intense narrative. Historical background is interwoven masterfully with dramatic suspense the series demonstrates nervousness of hostage taking situation, and scrupulous investigation of a journalist. It fits perfectly with the atmosphere of Spain in the 1980s, and the imagery of the film is painted with accurate precision by the production design and cinematography departments; the music reinforces the tension and swings between moments of stillness and sharp, unexpected peaks of enigmatic violence.

There are successful extracts of acting, especially of the main character, along with the related motivation and emotions. This being said, it safe to say that the series does boast a number of too glaring weaknesses, such as weak story telling and a predictable plot. However, these sins are countered int he extent that the series is at least polemical and pathetic; in other words, the series is a reflective and affective one.

The themes of Bank Under Siege are York and those relate to, encompass such issues as the battle between the powerful and the powerless, manipulation by the media and the problem of Ethics. When the credits fade on a given show, the audience is left completely winded, a clear sign that they have been but in by the series. Finally, Bank Under Siege caps a provocative lesson that in the worst of situations the best of man’s qualities comes to the fore, these being; courage, determination, and empathy.


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