“Bangkok Storm” is a captivating and action packed film that delves into the dynamics, between revenge and redemption. The movie sets an realistic tone with a hint of oriental noir influence. Underground fighter Lin Feng is being pursued by the Bangkok triad after turning down a request to participate in a fight. He manages to flee.
Suffers, from amnesia. While trying to start Lin is tracked down by the triad, who enlist a boxer to challenge him. As his memories come flooding back Lin is determined to bring down the triad. The music complements each scene effectively enhancing the depth of the film. One standout aspect is how well the character Lin Feng, a boxer is portrayed. Balancing bravery, with vulnerability convincingly.
The supporting cast delivers performances the skilled boxer hired to confront Feng. Beyond arts the movie explores themes of identity, honor, loyalty and redemption through impactful storytelling and intense action sequences.