“A Sunday Affair” is a captivating film centered around themes of deception and love. The storyline flows smoothly thanks, to the character development skillfully crafted by the writer and director Kennedy Ekwujuru. The lead characters, Uche and Toyin are portrayed authentically with their personalities and motivations unfolding throughout the narrative.
Their dynamic relationship with Sunday filled with depth and complexity is evident in their interactions. The movies overall tone transitions from lighthearted and amusing to deeply emotional, capable of evoking tears from viewers. Ekwujurus direction shines through in his understanding of nature capturing everyday life with precision.
The visuals effectively capture the backdrop through rich hues and tones. “A Sunday Affair” is a drama that resonates long after the credits roll. A crafted love story brought to life by actors, under skilled direction—a must watch for anyone who has experienced love firsthand.