“American Pie Presents: Beta House takes audiences immediately back into the wild, crazy, and very adult world of the American Pie series. This continuation of the tale takes Erik and Cooze through college and pledging duties for the Beta House fraternity under the legendary Dwight Stifler. This new chapter almost becomes a comedy as the Betas led by Curtis engage in a war against a frats of nerdy geeks who intend to enforce order in the school.
Their rivalry leads to reckless night parties, acts of juvenile vandalism and other madness expected of characters in the series. The film is occasionally redundant, which detracts from its insight into typical youthful rebellion and the ‘quest for kicks’. The comedy differs, and comedically, it is a hit and a miss at some instances. “Beta House” continues the series’ tradition of bright colors and Will takes care of the soundtrack which does match the mood of the film.
Though, the film tends to be much more focused on the witty jokes with fart sounds than with character development. Finally, it gives the fans a familiar and fun-tastic comfort food college movie, that at the same time captures the gusto and vigor with which young adults in college go about their lives with or without the tests ahead of them.