Mirrors is a psychological horror genre movie, which deals with the issues of mourning, regret and the divisions between the real world and the other side. It succeeded Ben Carson, a former NYPD detective interested in the process of rehabilitation and who has a number of personal problems including alcoholism and the death of the sister. This film was shot in the Mayflower Department Store, the mirrors in this building represent Ben’s reflection of the guilt within him.
The film succeeds in creating suspense atmosphere through complex cinematography and a shocking choosing, navigate the scene of Ben’s psychological problem and loneliness. The game has its problems, somewhat inconsistent pacing could be a problem in this game, it is worst in the middle part and some of the characters does not feel they have much progression.
The climax finally ties in some of the important motifs contrasting the primordial eeriness of the past and human attempts to face it. Lastly, I agree with the intention ‘Mirrors’ has to both haunt and provoke the audience; the film raises and twists on the concept of trauma, and reflection, providing a somber thought worth of reflection as it does evil.