“Middle School: ‘The Worst Years of My Life’, is still a comedy movie about life of a young boy name Rafe Katchadorian who is interested to struggle through the middle school rules and unlawful ruling of the headmaster, Dwight. It is then when Rafe throws the sketchbook into the garbage bin, that Rafe and Leo decide to embrace the freedom that seems to be the focus of their cartoons by pulling off the pranks forbidden by the School Code of Conduct stated in cartoons Rafe and Leo set out on adventurous and witty mischievous pranks.
It has been mentioned earlier, the film is a realisation of the anarchy which is linked with emerging adulthood and in this case the use of bright colors, fast motion and music has been used effectively. In addition to being comedy, it involves issues to do with identification of purpose in life and the need to have friend particularly during the rough phase in life. On the same note, it has to be said, that they are Stoned and while many tropes are familiar as well as clichés the characters of the secondary planes are developed age with certain stereotype in mind.
But the main conclusion that can be made regarding the film is positive as it offers a truly heartfelt message about the importance of being oneself and the beauty of one’s own self-acceptance. In other words, there is only good humor and gentle care about the troubles of life as a child and teenager, what should please those trying to remember this period of life.