The British Broadcasting Corporation series Merlin – Merlinsky Arthurian legend: Early years on a different British Broadcasting Corporation series Merlin. Season 1 of Merlin brings ideas of friendship, loyalty and self development as Merlin transcends a kingdom that fears for magic. In two of the tales the relationship between Merlin and Arthur is key concerning their friendship and the strain in the relationship.
Colin Morgan made Merlin fun to watch and feel like any other man while Bradley James portrayed a man who has much to learn on his way to becoming a king. Morgana and Gaius present rich featured related to the story. It also has bright and stunning shots as well as creative work on episodes which placed the audience into the world of Camelot. Combined with the impact on the emotionality of the musical score; the special effects, sometimes standing out as outdated, suit the magical premises of the series.
Navigation of mobile station is not very fast, and in some episodes can seem fast while in others slow, yet all contribute to development of character. In general, “Merlin” Season 1 is the show’s successful start that holds many surprises, friendship, and of course, magic to entice the viewers further. It is a cheerful romantic retelling of familiar story which is entertaining to watch.