A television drama *The Two Sisters* is a touching story *The Two Sisters* with a SVOR part in a way, let the people understand that the families will do what things to the people whom they cannot accept with the remain part as well as what will happen after the parents’ divorce. It is over two sisters, Lee Hye-won, and Lee Hye-ji with a beautiful sisterhood but the option of ugly separation of the parents reflect a different life that is not easy. In the full grown woman phase of the movie, the man Hye-won wants is a lonely one who has to bow to her step mother and marry for financial purposes.
Compared with Song Hae-jeong, Hye-ji is depicted as financially unsound and as a battered woman who changes her life to Bae Do Eun. They have an ill end in common and passion in revenge which developed from affection; They both turned rivals after becoming enemy. However the power of screenplay in the serie is that it does built tension up with excellent dialogues that reveal character backgrounds as sides of the story are explored and developed whereas sometimes the show might face issue of pacing.
However in this movie such shade is inconsistent, while the supporting characters there are some characters which were not fully explored hence meaning that the movie was not deep and so a less entising storyline. Remaining compositions keep curves, improve the drama sense, and add depth to the heroines in the series. Lastly, it is beyond masking that *The Two Sisters* comes into being as a proclamation on the love and reunion with potent elaborations of the sisterliness to which the viewers are diplomatically guided as the final part of the textual awareness implies the requisite beauty that bears an inherent relation to the sufferance of the sisters.