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The Two Sisters Season 01 (Pt.3) - (review)

A heartwarming television drama *The Two Sisters*, in a way helps people to understand what families are willing to do to those they do not accept with their remain part, as well as what happens after parents’ divorce. It is about two sisters Lee Hye-won, and Lee Hye-ji having a beautiful relation but the nasty divorce of their parents’ effect brings them different paths that are not smooth. In the movie as adults Hye-won seems to have the perfect one that is lonely and has to obey her stepmother and marry for money.

, Hye-ji is portrayed in poor financial status and is illustrated as a woman who was a victim of domestic violence who transform her identity to Bae Do Eun. They have an ill end in common and passion in revenge which developed from affection; They both made rivals after becoming enemies. However the power of screenplay in the serie is that it does built tension up with excellent dialogues that reveal character backgrounds as sides of the story are explored and developed whereas sometimes the show might face issue of pacing.

But in this movie such shade is inconsistent ,while exploring the supporting characters some of the characters are not fully developed which causes the movie to lack depth and therefore a less appealing storyline. Compositions maintaining the curves, enhance the dramatic aspect and enriches the series. Finally, it is too hard not to see *The Two Sisters* emerge as a powerful statement on love and reconciliation with the audience led gently into the duet of sisterhood as the final stage of narrative consciousness signals requisite beauty that is inexorably bound up with scripts of shared pain of sisters.


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