Snowstorm is a vigorous crime thriller by Jason Bourque; the story explores around a crime outpost officer Captain Zhou Yu Tong and his disciple Wang Feng in search of a suspected murderer involved in a shoot out related to criminal activities in their vicinity. To make tension higher the Fan brothers turn to the violent action and kidnap Wendy to prevent her from identifying them in court, in addition to this, they are going to blow up the building.
One of them is the theme of sacrifice, for instance, the death of Wang Feng makes Zhou more eager for the justice, and adds the emotional layer into the story. The use of colder lighting and scenery adds to the fight against crime and even the weather, though it shows Zhou Xia as he fights the weather and those like Fan Ju You.
As it reveals action and passion, it may be obvious some aspects of a storyline because of clichéd narrative conventions of the given type. But there is amazing acting and truly engaging story that turns the film into a powerful drama about suffering, revenge, and the human spirit. The powerful documentary “Snowstorm” lets the viewer into the world weary fight against evil, the price paid to bring this darkness to light.