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Long Gone Heroes - (review)

“Long Gone Heroes’ a power packed show by Philip Lawson revolves around issues like loss, redemption and hope in a desolate world. The movie revolves around the protagonist known as major Jack Cole played by Michael Kinsley, a devastated and suicidal soldier, trying to find meaning after his niece; Sarah, a journalist, is sucked into a risky mission. It’s more subtle in terms of narrative progression but for the most part, it has been strong in terms of establishing character traits and emotional arcs through brilliant cameo of their past relationship through use of required powerful yet brief flashbacks.

In visually appealing manner the movie enchants by presenting big sketches of the battles where in the same time constriction is emphasized by the more narrow architectures of the cities. The presentation of moral complexity allows making the audience to ponder on the consequences of betrayal to the self & others with the bonus of incorporating a score from Rachel Adair.

Some dialogue may come across as cartoonish, all the same, the tensions and the actions keep the audience on the edge. Smashing through character arcs and/or narrative pace in favor of the other creates a lack of depth in the conception of the film, and thus despite offering heavy significance in the trajectory of Cole, there is always the realization that a particular aspect was kept simplistic because the film was determined to move on to the next. In sum, “Long Gone Heroes” is an engaging, action-filled movie that presents a deep and challenging narrative of redemption in a fractured world.


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