“The Union” is a film that follows the story of Mike, as a construction worker whose world gets shaken when his former high school flame Roxanne recruits him to work for an intelligence agency.Encompassing moments alongside thrilling scenes the movie strikes a balance and is categorized as a suspenseful thriller.
Mikes evolution, from a person to a competitor, in the world of international spying is intertwined with themes of trust and affection; Roxannes presence adds depth to the narrative. When it comes to the flow of the story “The Union ” it’s safe to say that the action is engaging and holds some surprises; however there are moments where it leans towards being overly dramatic, at times.
Sabu Diazs skillful cinematography presents a contrast between the construction scenes and the tense spy ambiance that heightens the conflict in the movie. Despite a pacing issues in the act of the film,”The Union” remains an enjoyable watch that delves into pivotal life moments and prompts viewers to reflect upon themes of heroism and decision making under pressure, in challenging circumstances.