The movie “Air Force One Down” is an action packed thriller that is filled with moments and emotional scenes featuring rookie agent Sarah Finch as she navigates a dangerous mission involving terrorists to protect a crucial energy agreement and ensure the safety of the Presidents life. The film focuses heavily on creating action packed sequences that maintain an atmosphere throughout; however it occasionally falls back on predictable plot elements.
In todays world where oppressive regimes pose a threat, to societies globally the message of bravery. The ability for individuals to enact change resonates strongly regardless of their background or expertise. Although the villains lack depth in the movies plotline is compensated by the acting performances throughout the film – during the scenes involving Finch and the President interacting on screen together.
The cinematography is notable, for its style and direction that includes intimate close up shots and expansive views of Air Force One; however some action sequences may feel chaotic due, to unclear direction at certain points. “In general ” Air Force One Down “provides a portrayal of courage in the face of chaos. Its acting is genuine. Its action scenes are intense but somewhat predictable, due to typical genre elements.Its underlying message, about bravery manages to captivate viewers despite the storyline making it a movie worth watching.”