“Running for Grace” by David L. Cunningham tells a tale of a young couple grappling, with love amidst the backdrop of an era in Hawaiian history marked by prejudice and discrimination. The story follows a man as he navigates the challenges of love contending with the societal issues of racism and classism.
Starring Matt Dillon and Ryan Potter the film evokes an romantic ambiance of the 80s while evoking feelings of nostalgia. Cunningham skillfully directs the movie weaving its themes seamlessly with stunning cinematography capturing both the beauty of Hawaii and its social struggles.
The music and editing effectively convey the depth of the narrative though pacing concerns may arise at times. Ultimately “Running for Grace” captivates viewers with its tale of love and bravery in fighting for ones beloved, offering a message of hope and resilience in breaking down barriers—a love that transcends boundaries, between individuals.