“Luther” is a rated crafted crime drama directed by Iain Waugh. Starring Idris Elba as the troubled homicide detective, John Luther the movie showcases his unique methods of solving murders. The storyline is intricate resembling a puzzle that keeps the audience engaged until the very end. Elbas portrayal of Luther, as a man with his justifications for his actions albeit unsettling at times is commendable.
The supporting cast, including Ruth Wilson as Luthers partner and Steven Mackintosh as his boss delivers performances. The direction of the film is exceptional utilizing camera angles and close up shots to establish a connection with the audience. The music by Martin Pavey creates an atmosphere that complements the ambiance of the movie.
Additionally Anthony Dod Mantles cinematography is noteworthy. While some viewers may point out pacing issues and minor screenplay gaps in “Luther ” the exploration of darkness within nature remains captivating. “Luther” takes viewers on an relentless journey from start to finish akin, to a thrilling roller coaster ride.