“Darkman” tells the tale of a superheros beginnings following the journey of Dr. Peter Parker, a scientist who survives a horrific attack that claims his fiancées life. Driven by a thirst, for vengeance he resurfaces from near death to seek justice against those for his suffering. The film builds up to action sequences as Darkman sets out to confront his adversaries.
Liam Neeson delivers a portrayal of the character of Dr. Peter Parker/Darkman while Frances McDormand shines as Laurie, a psychiatrist aiding Peter in embracing his transformed identity. The movie impresses with its effects and Michael Kamens musical score enhances its atmosphere. However the films tone can be inconsistent at times fluctuating between seriousness and moments of levity.
Some characters like Peytons acquaintances and family members feel lacking in development. Nonetheless “Darkman” stands out as an exploration of the facets of seeking retribution, in a superhero origin story. It offers moments gripping action sequences and stellar performances that make it a must watch for fans of thrillers and cinema enthusiasts.